Fire! Fuego! Brave Bomberos, written by Susan Middleton Elya and illustrated by Dan Santat, follows a team of brave firefighters as they are called to action. In a story that is more action-packed than most on this list, you can follow along as the firefighters showcase the bravery and altruism required in their occupation. You see every aspect of the firehouse, the tools the firefighters use… even the dogs that help them along the way! Even better, the rhyming text is littered with word substitutions en espanol.
There is a glossary at the end of the story for quick reference.
The first time you read the story, simply enjoy it. It’s guaranteed to be a hit. Afterward, you might want to talk about firefighters and other community and emergency workers, and what they do for us each day.
Ask your child what he or she has learned about firefighters from the story. Has he or she helped someone in need? Lastly, after the story, ask him or her what they might like to do to help their community. How can he or she channel her inner bombero?
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